Fight Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher

Fight Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher
Fight Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher

Debate Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher

Fight Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher
Debate Erupts Over Video Of School Kid Being Forced To Comb Hair By Female Teacher

Mzansi has been having a field day on social media over a viral video of a school kid getting combed forcefully by a female teacher as punishment for untidy dressing.

Most government schools in South Africa have a strict hair and dressing policy for school kids.

Male students are usually required to keep cleanly shaven or low cut hairs.

But in the said video, a student at an identified South African school came to school with seemingly uncombed long hair, which meant he broke school rules.

Reacting to the incident, the teacher in the video is seen harshly combining the school kid’s hair.

And Mzansi quickly reacted to the video.

From social media discussions, it seems netizens are divided over the matter.

Many are calling out the teacher for abuse and forcefully imposing standards that “need to be abolished in schools”, while a great number of people are in support of the teachers action as a means to punish school kids for breaking school rules.

The discussion quickly took a political turn when one, SABC news reporter, Aldrin Sampear called out the teacher for preserving colonial constructs.

“Hair is very much political in any setting. Things escalate very quickly. Leave people’s hair. If someone else’s hair makes YOU feel uncomfortable that’s a YOU problem,” he further said.

But many are still of the view that school rules need to be followed and the teacher’s act was a right way as punishment.

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