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Indigenous Chickens production and Egg Incubation Specialist (Consultancy Role)

Posted in Consultancy


Job Type

Full Time



Description :

STTA Terms of Reference Indigenous Chickens production and Egg Incubation Specialist (Consultancy Role) Introduction The Livelihoods and Food Security Programme (LFSP) is a DFID-funded initiative which seeks to improve rural household incomes and their food and nutrition security. The program is implemented in Zimbabwe in ten districts  drawn from three provinces, Mashonaland Central, Manicaland and Midlands. The LFSP program has two main components as indicated below: Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition (APN) Component The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) manages the implementation of interventions under this component. The interventions under this component seek to raise smallholder farmers productivity by promoting improved and climate smart agricultural practices, access to finance as well as the production and consumption of safe and more nutritious food. FAO are also responsible for farmer group formation. These farmer groups are important for the MD component in aggregation of produce and establishment of Farmer Group Enterprises. Market Development Component:    Palladium manages the implementation of the LFSP Market Development component (LFSP MD). The interventions under this component seek to strengthen smallholder farmers participation in agribusiness through improved linkages to various market services such as inputs and output markets.  Following the Market Systems Development approach (MSD), Palladium works closely with local partners, the Agricultural Partnerships Trust (APT) and GRM Zimbabwe to facilitate implementation of inclusive business models which have potential for pro-poor economic impact in their respective communities. In this respect, various value chains and agribusiness models are continually assessed for pro-poor impact and commercial viability. The LFSP MD component provides targeted support to market actors designed to contribute towards reducing market constraints which limit potential for scale, inclusiveness and long-term sustainability.  Market actors are supported under this component through a range of interventions including cost-sharing arrangements  and / or provision of technical assistance (TA) to enhance the depth, scale and commercial sustainability of supported interventions. LFSP MD is now in Phase II running up to March 2021 with activities building upon the work that was initiated from 2014 - 2018 during the project’s Phase I. Purpose and Statement of Work Phase I developed the indigenous poultry local level breed improvement model as an input supply model that would address the constraint of low marketability of small indigenous chicken breeds which are characterised by low weights and small frames. The model also sought to address accessibility to improved indigenous chicken breeds at local level. There are several variations to this business model, however in essence, the programme cost shared with local market actors (LMAs) to secure improved Boschveld breeding stock and electric powered incubators. The LMAs were then supported with technical and business assistance.  Improved chicks are sold locally improving indigenous chicken genetics at the village level and beyond. It is envisaged that as the programme evolves the targeted villages become known for producing bigger indigenous chickens, attracting greater interest from the slaughter market, increasing viability, profitability and sustainability to the indigenous poultry production business. Initially, the model was largely successful with limited power cuts. The deteriorating macro-economic environment and drought have caused the cost and supply of electricity to go up at the same time exposing the heat retention inefficiencies of the incubators thereby increasing cost of production. Though LMAs were trained on improved chicken production techniques, the program identified various gaps affecting profitability of the model. LFSP is now facilitating access to more heat efficient and solar powered incubators but, technical capacity development on improved production and incubator management techniques remain key. The consultant will undertake a field assessment on a sample of LMAs’ indigenous poultry breeding business operations to inform their training needs. The consultant will then provide onsite technical assistance to a targeted 15 LMAs implementing the indigenous poultry breeding business model in 10 districts under LFSP. Specific activities include: 1.         Assess the LMAs and provide a technical analysis of each business. Report on a.         Optimal breeding flock composition to achieve the business commercialisation objective, b.         Current feeding regimes and required adjustments c.         Current marketing model and recommendations for improvement. d.         Knowledge on incubator management and areas for improvement 2.         Train the LMAs in a.         Improved indigenous chicken production techniques from chicks up to live birds including health, housing and feed management. This should also include use of local remedies on health and feed management. b.         Measures to improved biosecurity c.         Egg incubator management focusing on egg handling, humidity, temperature controls and hygiene practices d.         Chicks and live birds marketing techniques e.         Cash flow management, record keeping and how to profitably run the business f.          Other available Improved indigenous chicken breeds in Zimbabwe and their key characteristics g.         How to manage solar power equipment for longevity 3.         Consultancy deliverables: The deliverables of this assignment are: ·       Inception presentation including detailed workplan and support required. ·       Conduct field based (LMA operational site) trainings ·       Produce a tailor-made handbook on Commercial Indigenous Poultry Production and Marketing.  This should conclusively address gaps that would have been identified through the field assessment and interactions with the groups. ·       Final narrative report with sections on o   Table of contents o   Executive Summary o   Introduction o   Methodology o   Assessment and Training results (by LMA) o   Recommendations o   Training evaluation forms ·       Final presentation of report Assignment Timeline The assignment is expected to take place over 21 days, as detailed below: 1          Preliminary meetings with LFSP technical team.   Inception presentation including detailed workplan (0.5 days) 2          Familiarization trip to 2 Incubator/Hatchery FGEs (1 day) 3          Conduct trainings to 15 incubation FGEs (5 days, 5 days, 5 days) 4          Submission of training report (2 days) 5          Produce a handbook on Commercial Indigenous Poultry Production and Marketing (2.5 days) Skills, Experience and Qualifications ·       At least 5 years direct experience in egg incubation/hatchery and indigenous poultry production ·       At least 5 years’ experience in commercial indigenous poultry breeding and marketing models ·       Experience in low cost local level feed formulations will be an added advantage ·       A degree in a relevant program such as Agriculture, Business Development will be an added advantage. ·       Demonstrable experience in conducting farmer group indigenous chicken production and egg incubator technical trainings ·       Strong analytical and critical thinking skills. ·       Excellent communication and facilitation skills. ·       Willingness to travel to programme districts.

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