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Consultant to Support Project Monitoring and Results Measuring

Posted in Business, Consultancy, Business Studies

A local NGO

Job Type

Full Time



Description :

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Deadline: 2 March 2021


With support from the Government of Sweden, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has been implementing the Green enterPRIZE Innovation & Development Project in Zimbabwe, in partnership with the Government of Zimbabwe, Employers Organizations (Employers’ Confederation of Zimbabwe), Workers Organizations (Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions), the Private Sector, other Business and Non-Governmental Organizations.

The aim of the initiative is to support green and growth oriented male and female owned small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), stimulate the market for green products and services through expansion of access to relevant skills and the greening of existing enterprises. The ultimate goal is the creation of 2,000 green and decent jobs especially for young women and men.

Project Components

Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions and Skills Development: To ‘green the economy’ of Zimbabwe, one of the first steps is to identify the availability of green jobs opportunities, assess the skills required to meet the potential green jobs demand and then ‘green’ vocational, technical and professional training institutions and their curricula in order to produce skilled green collar workers. The project is supporting 30 TVET institutions to enhance their capacity to delivery technical skills for green jobs through the introduction of training programmes for a green economy namely Domestic Solar PV Installation and Maintenance; Biogas Systems Installation; Solar Sales and Marketing; Solar Agro-Processing and Climate Smart Market Gardening. The project is also supporting TVET institutions with entrepreneurship capacity building through green business training with an ultimate objective of equipping 2’000 young women and men with technical and business skills for a green economy.

Supporting Green and Growth Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): The project has been identifying and supporting green and growth-oriented enterprises through annual business competitions. Winners and runners-up have received financial and technical support to develop and improve their businesses and create better, greener jobs. SMEs have been expanding their green products and services through a business development programme supported by partnerships with Business Development Service (BDS) Providers and financial institutions. In the long term, the competition is expected to strengthen the sustainability of enterprises and offer a business case for Zimbabwe to go green. Since the beginning of the project, 78 SMEs have accessed financial and non-financial business development services. Additional entrepreneurs (non-winners) accessed face to face (prior Coronavirus pandemic lock-down measures), online and radio-based training services (during the lockdown period) as part of the capacity building on green business development.

Supporting existing SMEs and large enterprises in greening their processes: In Zimbabwe, the ILO, in collaboration with the Employers’ Confederation of Zimbabwe (EMCOZ), rolled-out the first edition of the Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises to capacitate national institutions and training service providers to deliver the SCORE training programme to enterprises that were interested in engaging in a workplace cooperation and productivity improvement journey between 2019 and 2020. The roll-out phase was a success as it resulted in four companies in Zimbabwe successfully completing the first ILO SCORE Module – Workplace Cooperation with the support from National SCORE Trainers. Immediate results of the training resulted in the establishment of Enterprise Improvement Teams who were responsible for the implementation of various enterprises improvement projects. The second edition of SCORE Zimbabwe is targeted to the manufacturing, timber processing and beverage sectors where 40 enterprises will be participating in the SCORE programme.

Tasks of the Assignment

The Consultant will be expected to: Support the Project Team to adequately collect data on green jobs created and compile project’s monitoring reports across the three components of the project; with the guidance of the National Project Coordinator, follow up with Project Implementing Partners and beneficiaries on outstanding documentation and compile project’s results; Remotely follow-up with project beneficiaries and generate the most significant change stories; Ensure that there is continuous and high quality content generation relating to the project, ready for uploading onto the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email listing and Website; Contribute to the creation of website news, stories and other updates on the Green enterPRIZE Website Storytelling Section; Attend on-line meetings and project events and document proceedings and subsequently develop web-stories; Support the Project Team in preparing a social media campaign of the project’s knowledge sharing event in May 2021.

Expected Deliverables

The Consultant is expected to deliver the following: A Work Plan outlining a schedule of activities to be conducted and proposed timelines; A progress update on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts handling, stories generated, population reached, highlights on how the targeted audience (youth, women and people living with disabilities) responded to the campaign messages, etc.; A narrative report documenting the nature, type of green jobs created by the project and changes in incomes among target groups; At least 10 case studies or most significant change stories demonstrating the impact of the Green enterPRIZE Innovation Challenge under Component II; At least five case studies demonstrating the results of implementing the SCORE Programme at various enterprises; End of assignment narrative report outlining the monitoring and results measures and key lessons learnt.


The expert consultant should have at least the following qualifications: University degree in economics, business management, marketing or other equivalent qualification; Experience in basic research techniques; Basic understanding of green economy and green enterprise development; Skills in writing analytical reports; Excellent written, oral and interpersonal skills; In depth knowledge and understanding of different social media platforms and familiarity with updating of content for the website and social media channels; Capable of working from home (tele-working) with minimum supervision whilst using own laptop or computer; Capability and proven experience crafting messages in various formats (press releases, websites messaging, success stories, blog entries, tweets, etc.) targeting a variety of audiences; Ability and proven experience in multitasking, in taking initiative and working effectively under pressure; Excellent written, oral and interpersonal skills


The selected consultant shall be contracted from 10 March to 15 June 2021.


To apply

The fees for the service will be per workday. The selected Consultant will be paid daily fees for the actual contracted days. The rate of daily fee will be determined based on a competitive process, through submissions of expressions of interest by the qualified and interested individuals. In consideration of the same, fee per workday for similar assignment(s) with the ILO or other UN and international agencies will be taken into account. Logistical expenses such as communication costs and internet connectivity, where applicable, should be included in the budget to be presented.

Expression of Interest

Expressions of Interest (EoI) should include: Technical proposal - a cover letter and updated Curriculum Vitae, a technical proposal (max. 2 pages) summarizing proposed approach and work plan, evidence of similar work done and experience to undertake the assignment; Financial proposal - asking rate (fees) in USD per workday and estimated number of workdays required to perform the assignment. Other logistical expenditures, if applicable, must be included in the budget breakdown.

The EoI (financial and technical proposals) must reach the ILO no later than 2 March 2021 and should be sent to the emails below:

Technical Proposal: and

Financial Proposal: (note it’s FIN_HARARE)

Please consider that: The ILO only contracts individuals or companies in its Suppliers Database. Interested individual bidders should submit at their earliest convenience their filled in supplier’s forms (see attached forms). Once completed, filled in and signed suppliers forms should be submitted to copying Individuals consultants are also required to complete the B-SAFE Security Training Course Once you complete the course, you will be awarded a certificate that should be submitted copying

Special Terms and Conditions

Confidentiality Statement and Intellectual Property of Data

All data and information received from the ILO and the stakeholders for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are assigned to ILO according to the contract. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this contract may not be disclosed to any third parties without the express advance written authorization of the ILO.

Unsatisfactory or Incomplete Work

For the assignment, the ILO’s Standard Rules and Procedure for Ex-Col/ Service Contracts shall be applicable. In event that the service delivered is unsatisfactory or fails to conform to the conditions set out above, the ILO reserves the right, as appropriate, to interrupt it, to request that it be corrected or modified, or to refuse to accept the service

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