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Consultancy for the development of strategic plan for Nutrition Action Zimbabwe year 2021 to 2025
Posted in Consultancy
3 years ago
Description :
Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ)
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Starting date: 18 January 2021 to 28 February 2021
Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ) is a registered Private Voluntary Organisation whose vision is a Zimbabwe without malnutrition. NAZ aims to reduce chronic malnutrition by promoting optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and care practices in both normal and emergency situations.
NAZ implements high impact interventions in nutrition, food security and livelihoods and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) thus contributing towards the attainment of global agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1, End poverty in all forms anywhere, SDG 2, End hunger and achieve food security and improved nutrition, SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being of all ages, SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls, SDG 17 Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize global partnerships among others.
The objectives for which the organization was established are: To improve the nutrition security of vulnerable communities in Zimbabwe; To reduce malnutrition related morbidity and mortality amongst children; To promote sustainable livelihood resilient projects amongst households vulnerable to hunger.
To achieve the above objectives, Strategy 2017 - 2020 focussed on the following approaches: Tackling the underlying causes of malnutrition and its effects through NAZ expertise in nutrition, food security, health, safe water provision, and sanitation. In this process, NAZ aimed to develop and promote sustainable and innovative approaches to fight malnutrition and contribute towards improving maternal and child health in Zimbabwe; Working towards becoming the leading local organization on nutrition and aimed to sustainably reduce morbidity and mortality from WASH related diseases through improvements in access to water, sanitation and hygiene practices; NAZ also aimed to reduce household vulnerability to hunger and malnutrition through promotion of sustainable livelihoods options in order to provide diverse, safe, adequate and nutritious food; NAZ endeavours to address gender disparity, and work with socially disadvantaged or ostracized and marginalized groups in its programming approaches.
Strategy 2017 - 2020 also focussed on capacity building and strengthening along the following: Endeavour to be a technical referent organization that supports the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s efforts to fight malnutrition; Endeavour to develop sustainable approaches through advocacy, building and strengthening capacity and partnership; Endeavour to work towards building nutrition resilience and strengthening community capacity to respond to disasters through livelihoods promotion and protection and disaster risk management.
NAZ has over the years received direct funding from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for the implementation of a Multi Sectoral Community Based Model for reducing stunting which was implemented through the Care Group Approach. Support has also been received from a variety of donors through ACF who include Swedish Development Agency (SIDA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) during the period under review to operationalise its strategy.
Based on the above background, NAZ commissions consultancy work aimed to develop Strategy 2021 - 2025 drawing lessons learnt from the previous implementation phase. An intense process will be employed to interrogate key and strategic documents, scan the environment, interview key stakeholders and validate the outcome of the process to ensure a logical, consistent, relevant, and cost effective strategy for the realisation of the NAZ mandate
The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a five-year Strategic Plan which fulfils NAZ’s mandate.
Terms of Reference
Detailed TORs for this assignment can be found here
Scope of Work
The consultant will lead and guide the process of developing the full five-year strategic plan. The scope of work for the Consultant will include but not limited to: Carrying out a desk review of documents relevant towards understanding the NAZ mandate, work and context of its business to influence the development of the strategic plan; Undertaking stakeholder mapping and analysis; Reviewing other current relevant National and Global Policy frameworks and strategies, approaches and implementation plans to identify priority pillars for the strategy; Developing an understanding of the current situation of NAZ Programmes, paying special attention to issues of sustainable development, strategic synergies with line ministries and other Non-Governmental Organisations, Private Sector and in full alignment to national and global priorities. This is aimed at giving relevance and significance to the strategic plan; Conducting a gap / SWOT assessment of NAZ business. This will also include a review of existing structure, programmes, vision and Mission Statement for alignment of the strategic plan; Developing a comprehensive methodology and work plan for a participatory process in the development of a strategic plan to achieve support, concrete co-operation and programming with relevant stakeholders; Holding consultations and interviews with relevant stakeholders including but not limited to: NAZ Board, Management and staff, donor representatives, relevant government departments, UN Agencies, other Non-Governmental Organisations, NAZ beneficiaries, private sector organizations, the donor community and civil society; Developing an advanced draft strategic plan for discussion with NAZ Board, Management and staff and the methodology for a wider consultation process; Taking lead and facilitate a thorough consultation process to receive feedback on the draft strategic plan; Finalizing the strategic plan, including a Theory of Change, log-frame and a detailed implementation plan. The plan should include jointly developed vision and mission statements, priority programmes and sector sub-strategies, baselines and targets, timelines.
A five-year strategic plan including a Theory of Change, log-frame and a detailed implementation plan, priority programmes and sector sub-strategies, baselines and targets; A consultancy report detailing the strategy development process including stakeholder engagement.
This assignment is expected to be carried out for a period of 35 days within the set timelines indicated above; The Consultant will develop with a detailed activity plan with key deliverables for this consultancy.
Reporting Structure
The Consultant will report directly to the NAZ Executive Director who will facilitate linkages with the NAZ Board of Directors as and when required. NAZ will provide relevant background documents necessary for the assignment including, Strategy 2017 - 2020, Capacity Statements, Quarterly and Annual reports to donors, Organogram, Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability and Learning framework and all organisational Policy documents.
The ownership of the work product including all transcripts and drafts – used or discarded- rests exclusively with Nutrition Action Zimbabwe as well as the decision to transmit, reproduce, share or publish in any form.
Qualifications And Experience
Relevant degree / equivalent experience related to the consultancy to be undertaken, A Masters degree will be an added advantage; 5 to 10 years professional experience in strategic planning and management; Experience in research, policy development, management and programming-related work; Prior working experience with Non-Governmental Organisations (local and International), Government partners and other stakeholders is an added advantage; Demonstrated experience in working in public sector, development programs especially in the area of capacity development, strategic development and review; Ability to write clear, well-articulated and useful reports (may be required to produce examples of previous work); Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work within tight deadlines; Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and professional skills in interacting with donors, government, and other development partners; Demonstrate an understanding of the operating environment of NAZ including statutory requirements, target for the strategy (donors, government and others) and the broader global context within which the strategy will be implemented (ZUNDAF, UN SDGs, WHA 2020 targets etc); Skills in facilitation of stakeholder engagements/workshops; Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments.
To apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Technical, Financial proposals and CVs with at least two (2) contactable referees clearly labelled “NAZ Consultancy for 2021 - 2025 Strategy Plan” to: and copy
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