Zimbabwe COHESA SANDPIT Event Call For Applications
Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) is a European Union (EU) funded collaborative project involving representatives from 12 countries in East and Southern Africa, led by ILRI in partnership with the other two consortium members, ISAAA and CIRAD.
The East African countries include Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Somalia, while Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe form part of the Southern African countries.
COHESA aims to generate an inclusive Research & Innovation ecosystem by facilitating the rapid uptake, adaption, and adoption of solutions to One Health (OH) issues.
In each country, a team of multipliers coordinates, facilitates, and implements the project activities.
The University of Zimbabwe (UZ) is the multiplier working closely with a multistakeholder advisory team in Zimbabwe. Since 2021, the Zimbabwe country multiplier, together with the COHESA consortium members, has been making consultations with stakeholders to document and come up with One Health focus areas that could be prioritized in developing innovative solutions.
Two areas were prioritized:
1) control of zoonotic diseases and
2) solid waste environmental pollution and remediation.
The aim of this Sandpit call is to use interdisciplinary evidence generation and development of innovative solutions that address the emerging challenge of solid waste environmental pollution in Zimbabwe.
Focus Area:
Solid waste environmental pollution This sandpit will focus on the development of innovative solutions to curb the emerging challenge of solid waste environmental pollution in Zimbabwe’s rural communities and its repercussions on health.
Purpose of the sandpit event?
The purpose of a sandpit is to generate ideas and high-quality, multi-disciplinary project proposals. Results from the projects must lead to the development and implementation of innovative One Health solutions.
The Zimbabwe Sandpit event During the 3-day event, competitively pre-selected project proposals from three teams of about 5 participants each will be capacitated to refine their project ideas. Teams will submit proposals in response to this call.
Selected teams will be provided with guided learning around One Health and project proposal development, including implementation. On the 3rd day, teams will pitch the project to a funding panel.
Successful teams will be supported to implement the project over a 12-month period.
Zimbabwe Sandpit Event Expected Outputs ‘Network’ Informal opportunity to meet mentors and peers ‘Clarify & Conceive’ Consider initial research ideas and learn more about One Health ‘Collaborate & Create’ Develop project ideas collectively in groups with peers and mentors ‘Develop & Prepare’ Grow ideas into projects and learn how to pitch proposals in groups ‘Pitch’ Project teams to present their proposals to the funding panel.
Who will participate in the sandpit event? Participants will come from a diverse range of sectors, including academic and research institutions, public and private sectors, NGOs, and others.
Additional people with specific roles will also attend the sandpit event, including Stakeholders – selected to clarify the theme and associated gaps based on their interest and expertise in relevant areas Mentors – a pool of experts (academics/researchers) working in relevant areas who will support the team to develop the project concept Funding Panel – COHESA management team and others who will be responsible for the allocation of funding and other support Facilitators – COHESA Consortium team who have expertise in facilitating the sandpit events
Call for Applicants Applications are invited from individuals and/or teams of individuals who have relevant One Health expertise and ideas to submit research proposals that will help generate evidence and innovative solutions to address the gaps in mitigating the environmental solid waste pollution in Zimbabwe.
Emerging and experienced researchers are encouraged to apply. The submitted applications will be screened by the COHESA expert panel, and only shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend the sandpit event, where they will present their proposals before a panel of experts and also receive mentorship in improving the research proposals.
Only one team will be selected to be awarded funding to implement the proposed project. The total cost of the project should not exceed USD $35,000 and should be completed before December 2025 (within 12 months of the sandpit event).
Applications will be scored according to the following criteria: Multi-disciplinary expertise, including in animal, human, and environmental health and other additional disciplinary expertise Previous expertise working on waste management and One Health Clear and relevant project idea that addresses the stated gaps and is feasible within the budget and time limitations.
Mixed gender teams are particularly encouraged. Teams of 3 to 5 members Each team to identify and justify an implementation mentor
Apply Compose your team; pay attention to the mix of disciplines, sectors, and genders of the group Outline your idea for a project to address the theme Submit your application
Participate Invited teams work with mentors to refine the ideas and elaborate on the research process leading to the delivery of practical solutions Teams make a pitch to the funding panel on day 3
Deliver Successful proposals are implemented over 12 months Ongoing monitoring during the process
To apply Applications should be sent to email uzcohesa@gmail.com by 4 PM on 16 February 2024. For application forms, follow the link
Successful candidates will be notified and invited to the sandpit event by 23 February 2024.