What Not To Do When Going For An Interview
Interview is the last huddle during job search time. Interview will determine whether you deserve the job and it also show if you are the right candidate. This article is going to air out what one should not do when going for an interview. If you go against interview ethics it means no job for you no matter how qualified you will be. Interviews have a clear path to follow and it has some requirements.
What Not To Do
- Do not talk too much in the interview. Some do not even know their limits when they start to talk during interview panel. They will even go on to talk nonsense that has not been asked or unneeded information that is on no help.
- Do not forget to ask questions: Interview should be a to way dialogue, both parties the interviewer and the interviewee should communicate. Where the interviewee is lost in terms of understanding the question he/she should ask. This helps and increases chances of having a job since you will be in the right track.
- Do not be late or too Early. The worst thing is to be late for an interview, it show how disorganized is the candidate. This also shows the the candidate will be a problem if employed on time management issues.
- Do not talk too soon about money. It is so clear that every works in order to get salary by month end. It is not advisable to talk about salaries before the interviewers asks you.
- Do not forget original copies of your certificates and resume. These original copies shows that the copies which you send attached with your applications really belongs to you.
*NB* Get your old Cv transformed to modern by iHarare Jobs expects. Contact iHarare Jobs on WhatsApp or call on 0719553310. Distance is not a problem all is processed through social media platforms.
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