iHarare WhatsApp bot is a WhatsApp robot which gives you job adverts at any given time. It is easy to use but people should follow the correct instructions
- Click the link given – http://wa.me/263718636522?text=JOBS
- Save the new number as iharare BOT
- Send the word JOBS
- It will appear a list of jobs
Advantages of using the BOT
- You do not need to wait for a long time to get new job vacancies
- Saves time
- It is free
- You access it using your WhatsApp
- It can also link you to some sites as iHarare news, fuel updates, Accommodation and current exchange rates
So please follow the link bellow
and please enjoy iHarare WhatsApp BOT
To access the latest job opportunities on WhatsApp, send a WhatsApp message with the word JOBS to +263718636522 to check this and other job postings
In as much as we take effort and due diligence to confirm the authenticity of the vacancies we post here for jobs in Zimbabwe, at this moment, our methods are not foolproof. We urge you not to pay any money for any job offers. iHarare Jobs take no responsibility for any loss of financial value. Please be cautious!
Do not short-change yourself,get your Curriculum Vitae done by the Professionals,email:ihararejobs@iharare.com or Whatsapp on +263 785 635 566