UNISA Online Applications To Open Tomorrow

UNISA Online Applications To Open Tomorrow

UNISA Online Applications To Open Tomorrow

The University of South Africa (UNISA) has announced that it will open online applications for the next academic year.

Science at Unisa on Twitter: "[APPLY NOW] JUST A REMINDER that applications  are still open until the 31st May 2022. https://t.co/X4cpdegomy #CSET #UNISA"  / Twitter

Online applications for the 2023 academic year will open on 1 September 2022 and will close on 14 October 2022. 

Unisa has several diverse undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications that students can choose from.

Unisa Online Application 2023-2024 - www.unisa.ac.za

Applications are open for the following individuals:

  1. First-time Unisa applicants
  2. Unisa students changing to a new qualification and/or specialisation 
  3. Applicants who previously applied for admission and were not offered a space or who were offered a space accepted the offer and did not register
  4. Students completing a higher certificate or any other programme and who wish to continue with further undergraduate studies

The admissions application period for master’s and doctorate programmes will run from 11 September 2022 until 14 November 2022. 

The university has encouraged prospective students to apply as soon as the applications open, as spaces quickly fill up.

University of South Africa (Unisa)

Students who have an interest in upskilling in themselves can take up Unisa’s short learning courses.

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