South African Nursery Association (SANA) Bursary 2022

South African Nursery Association (SANA) Bursary 2022

The South African Nursery Association invites all qualified candidates for the bursaries to be awarded to students who have an interest in pursuing a career in the Horticulture-related area and who have completed all modules of their first Academic year of study.

Apply South African Nursery Association Bursary 2022 - SA Online Portal

Eligibility Criteria

  • South African citizen
  • Must complete all modules of their first Academic year of study.
  • You must be studying towards a Horticulture or Landscaping qualification
  • Must have at least 60% average on per subject
  • Students of BSc, BSc (Hons) MSc, Ph.D Agric degrees, National Diploma or Higher Diploma in Horticultural Science / Horticulture or Landscaping
  • Must need to be a member of SANA or must apply to be a member of SANA (this is free of charge – the application form is below)
  • SANA Bursary Programme 2022 Bursary

How to Apply and Application Details

  1. Download and complete the bursary application forms:
  2. Submit the copies of the following document together with the application forms included above:
  3. A certified copy of your ID
  4. A photograph of yourself (portrait photograph, student card photo or selfie.)
  5. Academic record
  6. Institution’s banking details
  7. Proof of tertiary registration for 2022 (on institutions letterhead)
  8. A Completed SANA Student Membership Application Form 2022 .doc (If you’re not a member of SANA)
  9. Write a Motivational letter – minimum 150 words, must answer the following questions:
  • How do you see your career in the green industry developing?
  • Have you done any community volunteer work?
  • If so, where and for how long and what was your experience of it?
  • Have you been involved in the horticultural industry? If so, were you a volunteer or employed and what were the main lessons learned through that experience?
  • Have you visited any nurseries? If so, where and what would you say was the most impressionable?
  • What is the distance to your nearest nursery and what is it called?

South African Nursery Association (SANA) Bursary 2022 | Bursaries Portal

NB: By not giving a comprehensive motivation your application may not be considered.

  • Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
  • Email:

(Applications must state “SANA Bursary Application – Your Full Name” in the email subject line)

Closing Date Of The SANA Bursary

31 March 2022