South African Nursery Association (SANA) Bursary 2022
The South African Nursery Association invites all qualified candidates for the bursaries to be awarded to students who have an interest in pursuing a career in the Horticulture-related area and who have completed all modules of their first Academic year of study.
Eligibility Criteria
- South African citizen
- Must complete all modules of their first Academic year of study.
- You must be studying towards a Horticulture or Landscaping qualification
- Must have at least 60% average on per subject
- Students of BSc, BSc (Hons) MSc, Ph.D Agric degrees, National Diploma or Higher Diploma in Horticultural Science / Horticulture or Landscaping
- Must need to be a member of SANA or must apply to be a member of SANA (this is free of charge – the application form is below)
How to Apply and Application Details
- Download and complete the bursary application forms:
- Submit the copies of the following document together with the application forms included above:
- A certified copy of your ID
- A photograph of yourself (portrait photograph, student card photo or selfie.)
- Academic record
- Institution’s banking details
- Proof of tertiary registration for 2022 (on institutions letterhead)
- A Completed SANA Student Membership Application Form 2022 .doc (If you’re not a member of SANA)
- Write a Motivational letter – minimum 150 words, must answer the following questions:
- How do you see your career in the green industry developing?
- Have you done any community volunteer work?
- If so, where and for how long and what was your experience of it?
- Have you been involved in the horticultural industry? If so, were you a volunteer or employed and what were the main lessons learned through that experience?
- Have you visited any nurseries? If so, where and what would you say was the most impressionable?
- What is the distance to your nearest nursery and what is it called?
NB: By not giving a comprehensive motivation your application may not be considered.
- Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
- Email:
(Applications must state “SANA Bursary Application – Your Full Name” in the email subject line)
Closing Date Of The SANA Bursary
31 March 2022