List of Side Hustle Jobs for Unemployed Graduates

List of Side Hustle Jobs for Unemployed Graduates

List of Side Hustle Jobs for Unemployed Graduates
List of Side Hustle Jobs for Unemployed Graduates

Unemployed graduates can use the income from side hustles to take care of their living expenses and explore their creativity. Side hustle jobs can be done remotely or on-site. One advantage of side hustle jobs is that they do not require months of training and require little or no skills.

Freelance Writer

Freelance writers usually work from anywhere. They write a variety of different content for email campaigns, blogs, landing pages and a few other requests. Unemployed graduates who are good at copywriting or long/short form article write ups can take up remote freelance jobs as side hustles. The benefits of being a freelancer is having the freedom to work from home, be independent, improve writing skills, and financial growth.

Virtual Assistant.

virtual assistant is an individual who provides administrative services to entrepreneurs from their home. The skills are  related to administrative, technical, and creative tasks like managing social media accounts. They offer their skills to firms and real estate agencies. A virtual assistant can work from home or physically. Unemployed graduates can benefit from such job opportunities and become independent, gain flexibility, earn additional income, work efficiently and manage time.

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Social Media Influencer.

Social media influencing is a strategic method of promoting a brand or product by a person who has a large social media presence and high reputation. An influencer can alter people’s opinions on the internet.  Social media influencers must have their own page where they share interesting contents to attract more subscribers and views. Unemployed graduates who have many followers on their social media accounts and post interesting contents can do influencing for an agreed fee.

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13. Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate marketing is a way of driving traffic to a company’s website in exchange for a commission. An affiliate marketer is a person who helps in promoting, distributing and advertising products/services for sale through website links. The benefits of being an affiliate marketer is extra income, build brand recognition, gain flexibility, and partnership with different companies. Shopify and ShareASale are popular examples of affiliate platforms which pays scalable commissions for advertising their affiliate products.

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