X6 Available Job Vacancies At AfricaAhead Zimbabwe

Leadership Africa Scholarship Programme | ihararejobs.com
Leadership Africa Scholarship Programme

X6 Available Job Vacancies At AfricaAhead Zimbabwe

Africa AHEAD (AA) is a national NGO founded in 1995 in order to address the needs of urban and rural communities through the Community Health Club (CHC) methodology. The objective of AA is to relieve sickness and poverty and promote good health by empowering communities in Zimbabwe. The organization pioneered the Community Health Club approach and implements rural, urban, developmental, and emergency programs directly in-country, as well as providing a learning base for other countries wishing to start the Community Health Club Program in the country and region.

AA’s vision is to empower women in particular so that, as leaders in a fully functional Community, they are able to effectively control all preventable diseases and substantially alleviate poverty in their areas raising living standards for their families.

Project background

In response to immediate humanitarian needs as well as contribute to the long-term, national strategy of empowering communities and strengthening their resilience to hazards in the future, AA will partner with Action Against Hunger (AAH) in implementing an integrated WASH and Food Security Project in Mashonaland West (Kariba) and Midlands Province (Gokwe North)

AA therefore seeks the services of a Project Manager (PM), District WASH Supervisor (DWS), WASH Officers (WO), and MEAL Assistant. The incumbents will be based in either Gokwe North or Kariba Districts working closely with relevant ministries.

Vacancies At AfricaAhead Zimbabwe
X6 Available Job Vacancies At AfricaAhead Zimbabwe
  1. Project Manager(PM)

AA therefore seeks the services of a Project Manager (PM).

Reporting To: Head of Programs

Job Description

The PM will be responsible for the smooth running of the software and technical WASH aspects of the program in the two Districts in line with National and Africa AHEAD (AA) protocols.

He/she is expected to perform their duties according to the standards of operation expected by AA, according to AA’s philosophy, principles, and policies.  In particular, the incumbent will maintain the highest level of procedural transparency for the organization and its donors.

The incumbent is expected to sign the Code of Conduct which describes the manner in which they should represent AA and behave in relation to other members of staff, project stakeholders and participants.  The officer should also be familiar with AA policies that relate to their work (ignorance of AA’s policies and procedures will not be considered an excuse in incidences of malpractice).

The PM is the overall coordinator and will provide WASH technical expertise in support of the AA’s projects in the 2 Districts on a day-to-day basis. The PM will contribute to building sustainable household WASH behaviours among project beneficiaries and act as the Team Leader in the 2 Districts for all WASH issues in liaison with relevant stakeholders. He or she is expected to fully contribute as an AA team member, conducting himself or herself in a proper manner at all times as a representative of the WASH unit.

The incumbent will work to a defined work plan with timelines.  A description of duties is set out below.  However, as appropriate, other duties may be assigned by the line manager to enhance the smooth running of the project in line with project and organizational goals.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Overall coordination of WASH activities in the 2 Districts to ensure, minimum quality and accountability requirements are met
  • Implement and maintain prescribed reporting systems to monitor and evaluate the objectives, indicators, and outcomes of the WASH activities. Design and develop appropriate supervisory, in liaison with the MEAL Officer on systems for WASH interventions.
  • Ensure that Africa AHEAD procurement and logistics policies are followed during the WASH activities implementation.
  • Ability to work closely with WASH Engineer in the design and implementation of construction and rehabilitation of Solar powered Piped Water Schemes of water points resulting in quality construction and materials supply
  • Ability to work closely with WASH Engineer and monitor Cash for Work Assets (construction of weirs and rehabilitation of dip tanks) resulting in quality construction and materials supply
  • Timely reporting, on a monthly basis, regarding all WASH activities.
  • Support the professional development of partners and subordinates
  • Implement the WASH strategy to meet the program objectives.
  • Design an appropriate overall response to the district-specific needs, taking into account the needs of the community.
  • Select and design, in collaboration with other actors a suitable hygiene promotion program that suits the local context and would be widely accepted by beneficiaries.
  • Be conversant with WASHém and the Community Health Club Methodology
  • Ensure and advocate for the consideration of cross-cutting areas such as gender, protection, and sustainability within all WASH interventions resulting in empowered communities where take decision-making roles
  • Good understanding of WASH integration with Food Security
  • Support and influence innovation of WASH interventions in line with the Project Management Cycle
  • Contribute towards developing WASH related training, guidelines and standards and supporting the provision of training of WPMC, VPM and CHC
  • Provide feedback to relevant project partners and the local authorities with the aim of assessing the effectiveness and the impact of the projects and propose recommendations for improvement.
  • Work closely with the Procurement and Finance Department for timely procurement of WASH supplies and ensure budget tracking
  • Responsible for team cohesion and liaison with the Food Security Team at the Field level. Provide regular updates and technical guidance to the team on best practices, progress, priorities and challenges.
  • Working closely with the Logistics Department to ensure vehicles are parked timeously and safely on a daily basis.
  • Report incidents related to the project to the Head of Programs within 24 hours of their occurrence.
  • Ensuring data protection for all programme documents;
  • Orient new staff and visitors on AA’s WASH activities
  • Coordinate WASH co-activities with other local actors (governmental and non-governmental).

Qualifications and Experience

  • Minimum Qualification: Degree in Public Health, Environmental Health, Water Engineering or WASH-related field with 5 years relevant experience in WASH and Primary Health Care working for an NGO in less privileged communities; Willing to work in remote locations.
  • Should be able to work with minimum supervision and possess strong stakeholder coordination skills
  • Conversant with the Government of Zimbabwe entry and exit protocols
  • Ability to converse in English, and Shona and good report-writing skills
  • Should be computer literate (Microsoft packages, statistical packages).
  1. District WASH Supervisors x 2

Reporting To: Project Manager

Job Description

The DWS will be responsible for the smooth running of the software and technical WASH aspects of the program in line with National and Africa AHEAD (AA) protocols.

He/she is expected to perform their duties according to the standards of operation expected by AA, according to AA’s philosophy, principles and policies.  In particular, the incumbent will maintain the highest level of procedural transparency for the organization and its donors.

The incumbent is expected to sign the Code of Conduct which describes the manner in which they should represent AA and behave in relation to other members of staff, project stakeholders and participants.  The officer should also be familiar with AAZ policies that relate to their work (ignorance of AA’s policies and procedures will not be considered an excuse in incidences of malpractice).

The DWS will provide WASH technical expertise in support of the AA’s projects. The DWS will contribute to building sustainable household WASH behaviours among project beneficiaries and act as the Team Leader in the District for all WASH issues in liaison with relevant stakeholders. He or she is expected to fully contribute as an AA team member, conducting himself or herself in a proper manner at all times as a representative of the WASH unit.

The incumbent will work to a defined work plan with timelines.  A description of duties is set out below.  However, other duties may be assigned, as appropriate, by the line manager to enhance the smooth running of the project in line with project and organizational goals.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Provide strategic and technical expertise on improving WASH activities in all interventions, including the following activities:
  • Contribute to assessments in order to identify WASH needs in targeted communities
  • Conduct WASH training and technical/software and assistance in AA activities
  • Work closely with other Partner staff to integrate relevant WASH and FSL messaging in the Project and development of IEC material
  • Recruit/Refresh and training of Community and School Health Clubs and IPC
  • Ensure Hygiene Promotion through sensitization and provision of staff, stakeholders, and community training on COVID-19

Project planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting

  • Support rehabilitation, maintenance, and management of water points in areas of operation
  • Support AA MEAL processes by providing technical input on designing, reviewing, monitoring and evaluating indicators and targets under the objectives
  • Contribute to quarterly, annual, and any other relevant Activity reports; data collection, and evaluation
  • Document lessons learned related to WASH programming

Coordination & Representation:

  • Organize and implement the WASH aspect of the Activity and ensure compliance with program guidelines.
  • Develop and maintain working relationships with local WASH actors, including national and local governments, communities, the private sector, other projects, NGOs, other donors, etc.
  • Contribute to program/project design, implementation, learning, monitoring, and evaluation through active collaboration with all team members
  • Work closely with technical staff to integrate relevant WASH messaging across all interventions.
  • Act as the program’s WASH representative in the district as it relates to WASH initiatives

Administrative and Other Duties:

  • Prepare and submit sitreps/monthly/quarterly progress reports to the Programmes Manager related to water, sanitation and hygiene project indicators
  • Orient new staff and visitors on AA’s WASH activities

Qualifications and Experience

  • Minimum Qualification: Diploma/Degree in Public Health, Environmental Health, Water Engineering or WASH-related field with 5 years’ relevant experience in WASH and Primary Health Care working for an NGO in less privileged communities; Willing to work in remote locations.
  • Should be able to work with minimum supervision and possess strong stakeholder coordination skills
  • Conversant with the Government of Zimbabwe entry and exit protocols
  • Ability to converse in English, Ndebele and Shona and good report-writing skills
  • Should be computer literate (Microsoft packages, statistical packages).


  1. WASH Officer (WO) x 2

Reporting To: District WASH Supervisor

Job Description

The WO will be responsible for the smooth running of the software WASH aspects of the program in line with National and Africa AHEAD(AA) protocols.


He/she is expected to perform their duties according to standards of operation expected by AA, according to AA’s philosophy, principles and policies.  In particular, the incumbent will maintain the highest level of procedural transparency for the organization and its donors.

The incumbent is expected to sign the Code of Conduct which describes the manner in which they should represent AA and behave in relation to other members of staff, project stakeholders and participants.  The officer should also be familiar with AA policies that relate to their work (ignorance of AA’s policies and procedures will not be considered an excuse in incidences of malpractice).

The WO will work under the guidance of the DWS in order to contribute to building sustainable household WASH behaviours among project beneficiaries. He or she is expected to fully contribute as an AA team member, conducting himself or herself in a proper manner at all times as a representative of the WASH unit.

The incumbent will work to a defined work plan with timelines.  A description of duties is set out below.  However, as appropriate, other duties may be assigned by the line manager to enhance the smooth running of the project in line with project and organizational goals.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Program implementation:

  • Work closely with District WASH Supervisor (DWS) to roll out the implementation of Community and School WASH positive behaviour change strategy through the establishment of Community Health Clubs (CHC)
  • With the support of DWS, train Community and Schools Co-ordinators and oversee its CHC implementation.
  • Technical training of community volunteers, members of WASH committees, and governmental staff
  • Working with DWS officer to implement community mobilization plans in target communities on issues related to construction, operation and maintenance of WASH facilities in schools are implemented.
  • Strengthen Community and School Management Committees to successfully operate and maintain school WASH infrastructure.
  • Establish productive working relationships with community and school health co-ordinators and government officials to promote good WASH practices in schools and communities.
  • Monitor and ensure establishment and functionality of community and School WASH facilities, including improved water sources, latrines and hand washing facilities.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning:

  • Plan and be responsible for the weekly reporting of data in order to follow up the standard project and strategic indicators (number of beneficiaries, number and type of activities completed…)Reporting:
  • Weekly reporting to the DWS, including key achievements and planning for the following week.

Integration, coordination and cross cutting issues:

  • Ensure that construction works is integrated with hygiene promotion and community participation component, to ensure sustainability of the infrastructure built.
  • Coordinate WASH construction activities with Food Security, in order to integrate activities in the same geographical area and for the same beneficiaries.
  • Ensure the integration of gender, child protection, HIV, environment, and other crosscutting issues to the design, implementation, and development of WASH activities, and ensure that activities take into account the needs of specific groups and individuals, especially children, the elderly and disabled.

Qualifications & Experience


  • Previous experience 5 years in the implementation of WASH projects at the Field Level
  • Excellent IT skills including good working knowledge of MS Excel and Word
  • Ability to establish strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and cultures.
  • Experience with a flexible approach to managing and prioritising high workloads and multiple tasks in a high-paced environment with tight deadlines.
  • Good command of English, and Shona language
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Willingness to work in remote areas


  • Experience in working in community and WASH in Schools program.
  • Received Community Health Club Training.
  • Experience in Public Health and community participation and positive behaviour change.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Minimum Qualification: Diploma/Degree in Public Health, Environmental Health, Water Engineering, or WASH-related field with 5 years’ relevant experience in WASH and Primary Health Care working for an NGO in less privileged communities; Willing to work in remote locations.
  • Should be able to work with minimum supervision and possess strong stakeholder coordination skills
  • Conversant with the Government of Zimbabwe entry and exit protocols
  • Ability to converse in English, and Shona and good report-writing skills
  • Should be computer literate (Microsoft packages, statistical packages).


  1. MEAL Assistant x 1

Reporting to: MEAL Manager

Objectives of the position:

Reporting to the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Manager, the MEAL Assistant is responsible for supporting evidence-based programming and strategy by developing and implementing quantitative and qualitative research activities within Africa AHEAD’s programs. Build the M&E capacity of Africa AHEAD project staff and support the implementation of an M&E framework.

Duties and Responsibilities

Main responsibilities:

Responsibility 1- Main Duties:

  • Support MEAL Manager in the development, implementation, and administration of program MEAL systems at the district level.
  • Capacity building of program staff and volunteers on Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Support MEAL Manager in aggregation and dissemination of monitoring and evaluation data and reports internally and externally

Responsibility 2- Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage data collation of accurate and timely data of program activities and consolidate against donor and internal indicators, as per the program MEAL plan, from program-supported activities and sites.
  • Ensure weekly and monthly reporting of data in order to follow up the standard project and strategic indicators (Number of beneficiaries, number and type of activities completed)
  • Conduct physical verification on the reported status of assets rehabilitated/established in communities.
  • Produce weekly, monthly, and quarterly M&E/data reports based on agreed indicators that will guide decision-making and program implementation at the district level
  • Contribute to the identification of good practices and lessons learned
  • Monitoring the efficient distribution of materials and ensuring that there is proper distribution and requisite documentation.
  • Carry out beneficiary satisfaction and feedback assessment and Post-post-distribution monitoring where applicable.
  • Support development and implementation of the M&E framework and plan\
  • Carry out site data validation, data verification, data entry, data analysis, and interpretation.
  • Train, guide, and monitor enumerators on how to administer questionnaires and interviews during the survey including testing the trail of the questionnaire a few before the real survey commences
  • Mainstream cross-cutting issues of gender, safeguarding, child protection, and environment in monitoring and evaluation.
  • Establish appropriate community-based monitoring and evaluation systems including complaints/feedback handling mechanisms.
  • Compile monthly and quarterly Complaint Response Mechanism (CRM) Reports
  • Carry out any other duties as assigned by the line manager.

Qualifications and Experience

  • A Minimum of a Degree in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, or any other relevant discipline; A postgraduate qualification is an added advantage.
  • Post-graduate qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation of cash voucher/transfer interventions is a distinct advantage.
  • At least 3 years experience in rural development programs working for an NGO; Strong appreciation of the importance of rural livelihood components, monitoring and evaluation techniques, and community participation in project activities.
  • At least 3+ years of implementing surveys and other research activities within an NGO environment.
  • Demonstrated experience in applying quantitative and qualitative /participatory research methods.
  • Outgoing personality with excellent communication skills.
  • Ability and willingness to travel to rural locations and live in sometimes basic conditions.
  • Understanding of mainstreaming principles i.e., Gender, Child Protection, and experience of working on mainstreaming activities.
  • Confident presentation and facilitation skills, proven record in provision and facilitation of training.
  • Knowledge of SPHERE and commitment to humanitarian principles

How to Apply

If you believe you are the right candidate for any of the above positions, please send your detailed curriculum vitae (CV), Applications should be submitted electronically indicating the position you are applying for in the subject line and sent to the address given. All applications should be submitted no later than 22nd September 2023.

E-mail: Applications including at least three traceable referees should be sent electronically to: vacancies@africaahead.co.zw

Africa AHEAD is an equal-opportunity employer promoting gender, equity, and diversity. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Africa AHEAD has zero tolerance for any form of harassment and staff are expected to uphold the organizational values and core competencies especially diversity and inclusion, integrity, commitment, and respect for others as our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children and safeguarding employees and communities from Sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse