How to increase your chances of getting a job

For a single vacant, there are more than 10 people with perfect qualifications that some time it’s even difficult for the recruiting personnel to choose who to take. However, there are certain things that one can do to make it easy for the selection panel and definitely choose you for the job. These things are both gradual and instant. In this article, we will discuss the gradual aspect in brief. I hope one is going to be helped.
Gradual Aspects that can earn you a job
Short courses
Some people have a tendency of waiting to get a job so that they start taking short professional courses. This is not good; in fact, it’s detrimental to your chances of being selected on 10 qualified candidates. During that time when you are not employed get yourself some short courses let’s say those of three or six months. These courses will upgrade your resume and increase your chances of being an outstanding candidate. So my advice to you is that when you get the chance don’t wait to get a job first to self-develop, go for those short course and get your job.
Get a driver’s licence
When asked, what makes you think that you are the perfect candidate for this job in an interview? Some people had said they have a driver’s licence in addition to their academic qualifications. Although a little far-fetched, trust me someone out there got a job because of 20 people with the same qualifications he/she was the only with a driver’s licence. So take your time to get a driver’s licence and make it your pass pot to a get a job.
Some jobs require you to travel outside the country for meetings, forums, seminars or advertising jus to mention a few. Getting a passport seems a general common thing but can one day make you outstanding among tens of people with the same qualifications as yours. So go to the registrar’s office and get yourself travelling documents especially a passport
Join volunteer organisation
Do not wait to apply for jobs that are recruiting only. Apply to some organisations particularly NGOs as a volunteer. One thing that will get you a perfect job is not your academic qualifications only but your job.
Other staff that may help you
- Be creative when writing your resume
- Don’t ignore the cover letter
- Emphasize your strengths and accomplishments
- Research about the company
- Apply for more than one job
- Follow up
- Sign up for LinkedIn
- Take advantage of your “network”
*NB* Get your old Cv transformed to modern Resume by iHarare Jobs expects. Contact iHarare Jobs on WhatsApp or call on 0719553310. Distance is not a problem as all are processed through social media platforms.
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