What The Recruitment Team Expect In An Interview
The people behind the table in an interview room are not just there to look at you and determine whether you are worth the job or not. In this case, one needs to be aware that there are expectations in an interview room, expectation from both the interviewer and interview. However today we are not going to discuss the interviewee’s expectations thus we will be looking at what the selection panel expect from the interviewee in order to score him/her scores that can earn him/her the job. In this case, a lot pertinent the above expectations will be discussed below.
The first impression is always important. When an interviewee steps into an interview room the first thing that the people behind the desk look at is your dressing. In this case, what the interviewers expect is for one to be dressed in an attire that has a nexus with the company’s organisational culture. Formal organisations have a formal culture thus they expect the interviewee to be dressed formally. Lucky enough when an organisation states the dressing attire on the advertising statement.
Formal Language
Most if not all interviews are held using the universal language which is English. In this case, the selection panel expects to meet a person who is able to communicate formerly thus the need a person who has good communication skills. Good communication skills do not only entails on the ability to speak English fluently yet also the ability to express and complement your oral communication with gestures and effectively explain concepts.
A responsible person
Although neglected by many, the selection panel expects a responsible person or in other words someone who resembles a responsible behaviour. To assess the responsibility of a person, most organisations use Psychometric test. However, it is difficult for one to identify a Psychometric test thus its idea to be alert. And exhibit responsible behaviour. An example of a psychometric test is leaving the door met upside down, leaving the water taps open or leaving the light bulbs on. The idea is to deduce on whether the one is rational enough to do what is supposed to be done.