How To Get N.G.O Job Or Internships In Zimbabwe 2020
Securing a job at a Non-Governmental Organisation in the current Zimbabwean economy can mean a lot to a student recently graduated from university. They may view it as an opportunity to not only grow their network but to also earn some kind of an income.
Most organisations offer one of two types of internships; either paid or voluntary. Under a paid internship an employee will get a ‘stipend’ (small allowance), but based on that organisation, what they deem as a small amount can be more than a full-time salary at a private company in Zimbabwe.
Better yet, most of these organisations pay their employees in hard currencies (US dollars) and with the way the rate is skyrocketing on the streets, this can turn out to be a healthy amount when converted to local currencies.
As for the ‘voluntary’ internships these have been viewed as exploitative and taking advantage of people (yes, some people in this world do have a conscience!). In most Zimbabwean companies, when one is offered an ‘attachment’ or an internship often times this comes with no salary or even an allowance, let alone the possibility of getting food or transport. Whether the company can afford to cover these expenses or not, is for another post, but
This post is to help those who are interested in knowing what they have to do in order to get an NGO (non-Governmental Organisation) internship while in Zimbabwe in 2020. Though the methods may not change, below we’ll seek to outline to you what you’ll need to do in order to stay better positioned in order to get that highly sort after post.
Most NGO’s recruit staff who have graduated and have a degree. Lower-level jobs, like drivers and office assistants, may not require such qualifications, but then again, very few opportunities for internship are for these positions.
What is needed when applying for a job at an NGO
- Motivational letter
- Cover Letter
- 2 page PDF resume
- Valid academic qualifications
In Zimbabwe, if you want to get a job at an NGO you have to stay tuned on job portals like iHarare Jobs site, iHarare jobs Facebook page, iHarare jobs on Twitter. Or other sites like Kubatana on Facebook and Vacancymail.
*NB* Get your old Cv transformed to modern Resume by iHarare Jobs expects. Contact iHarare Jobs on WhatsApp or call on 0719553310. Distance is not a problem as all are processed through social media platforms.
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