How To Apply For A Job That Has Been Posted On iHarare Jobs Portal
iHarare Jobs is a website that posts available job vacancies on a daily. The jobs will be shared through our WhatsApp groups (iHarare jobs), Facebook page (iHarare Jobs) and Twitter (iHarare Jobs). These social media platforms will have a link that leads to the main site for more details.
On a daily basis, iHarare Job Portal updates more than (35) thirty-five vacancies that will be open to everyone(subscribers get first-hand information.), Users are encouraged to keep on checking on the site for vacancies updates. Many people face problems on how to apply for those jobs. We have compiled a simple method you can follow when applying for vacancies.
- Join iHarare Jobs WhatsApp Groups, follow iHarare Jobs Facebook page, follow iHarare Jobs on Twitter
- Take time to browse the jobs that would have been updated
- If you see a job which you qualify please follow the link that will be below the job description
- That link will lead you to iHarare Jobs Portal website
- On the website, the details of that job you want will be displayed
- While on that page please scroll down and you will see where it will be written “How to apply”
- On how to apply column there will be details of how you can apply for the job. Some companies will give you a link to apply on the company site, some will give you there emails, and some will give the physical address where you can drop your CVs.
Requirements needed when applying
- PDF format resumes
- Cover Letters
- Motivational Letters
- Certified photocopies of academic certificates
*NB* Get your old Cv transformed to modern Resume by iHarare Jobs expects. Contact iHarare Jobs on WhatsApp or call on 0719553310. Distance is not a problem as all are processed through social media platforms.
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