How to Match Your Skills to Get A Job In a Non-Governmental Organization

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Non-Governmental Organization

How to Match Your Skills to Get A Job In a Non-Governmental Organization

Obtaining a position in an impact organization such as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) can be exciting, however, with NGOs operating in a variety of fields, determining where you fit into the workforce can be a challenging task.

How to Match Your Skills to Get A Job In a Non-Governmental Organization
How to Match Your Skills to Get A Job In a Non-Governmental Organization

As challenging as it may appear to match your qualifications and training to a role in an NGO, it is possible to find a job that explicitly matches your interests and expertise.

Assess the paths your degree or professional training can take you down 

Begin by asking yourself these questions:

  • What skills did I develop from my learning program? 
  • What skills did I develop from a recent internship, mentorship, summer job, or previous roles?
  • What are my transferable skills? 
  • What soft skills do I possess? 

How to write a good CV for ngo job - Career in Ngos

 Identify which roles & responsibilities will best match your skills

After seeing a job advert the next step is to narrow down your options by reviewing which of their roles and responsibilities best match your skills and interests. 

For example, you just graduated with a Master’s degree in Finance, have no work experience, and two finance-related roles are available at your National NGO. 

Check and ask yourself which job would be more suitable for you.

Without work experience and the likelihood that you haven’t dealt with human resources or administration, your skills may better equip you to take on the role of National Controller. 

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Hence, it’s best to take a look back at your skills and analyze if they are enough to fulfil the responsibilities of a role, especially when you have multiple openings that you’re planning to consider applying for in one NGO. 

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