Deadline: 8-Oct-24
AgriFoodTure is seeking ambitious, cross-disciplinary research and innovation projects that align with the mission to meet the 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets.
Overview: This call for proposals recognizes the vital role of land users, businesses, policymakers, consumers, and citizens in shaping the agri-food sector’s social and systemic components. The focus is on projects that adopt a social sciences and humanities (SSH) approach to accelerate the green transition within Denmark’s agri-food system.
Theme: Projects should emphasize the integration of social sciences and humanities (SSH) as a central aspect in advancing climate solutions and promoting sustainable agri-food systems towards the 2030 and 2050 goals.
Objectives: The primary aim of this call is to support projects that enhance the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of the agri-food system. Proposals should clearly build on SSH theory and methodologies to drive research, development, and implementation strategies. The goal is to contribute to faster and more sustainable solutions by improving the understanding of the relationships between sociocultural and other facets of the agri-food system.
Focus Areas: Projects should address one or more of the following four key focus areas:
- Interdisciplinary Research: Where relevant, projects should integrate natural and technical sciences, such as agronomy, land use, and food science, to address challenges and opportunities within agri-food systems and achieve lasting sustainable change.
- Community Engagement: Projects should emphasize community involvement and co-creation, incorporating local knowledge, cultural perspectives, and social considerations into the design and execution of agri-food interventions.
- Policy Impact: Proposals should aim to inform evidence-based policy recommendations and ensure alignment with the social and human dimensions of agri-food systems. Consideration should be given to the influence of public policy and regulatory bodies on decision-making by investors, producers, and consumers.
- Capacity Building: Activities should focus on building the capacity of local stakeholders—such as farmers, consumers, and policymakers—to utilize SSH approaches for effective problem-solving.
Funding Information:
- Total Budget: Minimum of 18 million DKK
- Investment per Project: 4-8 million DKK
- Project Duration: 1-3 years
Project Criteria:
- Projects must be aligned with the AgriFoodTure roadmap and clearly detail their connection to the roadmap in the application.
- Proposals should demonstrate significant potential to create impact, whether short-term or long-term, with a focus on impact at individual, organizational, and/or societal levels.
- Projects should have a clear SSH foundation, engage diverse stakeholders, and, where relevant, demonstrate collaboration across disciplines.
- Proposals should contribute to raising the Social Readiness Level (SRL) and enable societal scaling.
- As a mission-driven partnership, AgriFoodTure emphasizes the importance of not only achieving project goals but also effectively communicating the outcomes and overarching mission. Therefore, all projects are encouraged to include a modest budget allocation for the dissemination of results and promotion of the mission throughout the project period.
Who Can Apply? Eligible applicants include companies, research institutions, public institutions, and civil society organizations based in or outside Denmark, provided they are directly involved in the project activities. The lead applicant must hold a Danish CVR number. Projects should consist of partners actively participating in both the design and execution of the project, as well as in the implementation of its results. Collaborative efforts across companies, research institutions, public institutions, and civil society organizations are encouraged.
Additional Call: In parallel with this call, there is also a call for cutting-edge research and innovation projects focused on sustainable agri-food systems. These projects should aim for high-impact results by challenging existing norms by introducing novel technologies, processes, or business models.
For more information, visit AgriFoodTure.