Background Check-The Importance Of Clearing Your Social Media Before Applying For A Job
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The Importance Of Clearing Your Social Media Before Applying For A Job

These days, social media is a more important part of our lives than ever. The online footprint we leave on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook can affect our lives in the real world especially when you are job hunting.

Put a Positive Spin on Your Social Media - Community Psychology

For most of us, the days of applying for a job by filling out a paper application are long gone. Social media has taken over and now serves as the primary way employers decide whether to hire someone or not.

Many recruiters and hiring managers will look up your social accounts, so it is important to keep your social media clean before applying for jobs.

The social media world is one that many of us are very familiar with. It is a great way to stay connected and share your life with others. However, it’s important to remember that everything you post on social media can be seen by everyone, including potential employers.

How to “clean up” your social media presence before a job-search

Social media is an amazing tool that has allowed us to connect with people all over the world, share pictures of our families and loved ones, and even help us find jobs. But it also serves as a potential landmine for those who aren’t careful about what they post or how they present themselves online.

If you use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, it can be easy to forget that there are limits as to what should be posted. Even if your profile is private or only shared with friends and family, employers can still find pictures and posts that they consider inappropriate and this can deter you from landing your dream job.

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It’s important to understand everything you post online can have consequences — especially if you’re looking for a job.

A job search is not a process to be taken lightly. It’s important that you are able to market yourself in a professional manner, and one of the first things most employers do when considering a potential candidate is check their social media accounts.

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